Suikido 水氣道 is located on the Island of Bornholm in Denmark.
Throughout the year we conduct a number of open events.
You can find our public events HERE.
Any other teaching of Suikido is by personal request only.
Chris Valles
Extracts from a lifetime of in-depth training and practice.
Synopsis of Past-Present-Ongoing Experience.
Martial Karate training under tutelage of Grandmasters J. Bura from Denmark and M. Tanaka from Japan.
Amongst a select few Karate practitioners in Denmark that has completed the Japan Karate Association’s Kenshusei karate specialist instructor training program with honours.
Earned the rank of Sandan 3rd degree black belt by M. Tanaka as one of the youngest Karate practitioners ever to achieve this expert level.
Competes worldwide as an Elite Martial Athlete and Karate Fighter on the National Danish Karate Team.
Long-term temple-stays and authentic martial monk training.
Merged Martial Artist and practitioner of diverse fighting styles.
Four decades of unbroken practice and study.
Develops Suikido Martial Movement Arts. A multidisciplinary non-style specific syncretic Martial approach that fuses authentic Japanese Bujutsu 武術 fighting arts and universal Martial movement principles.
Teacher of Physical Education (PE). Copenhagen, Denmark.
Ballet Rambert School, Brunel University, England.
École-Atelier Rudra Béjart, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Rudra Béjart Company & Béjart Ballet Lausanne, Switzerland.
International professional freelance dancer.
Granted several performing artist scholarships.
Award winning dance artist. The prestigious Danish award “The Reumert” for Dance Performance of the Year.
Integrates quintessential qualities from Dance into Suikido.
Practice, Retreat, Residency: Japan, India, China, Europe.
Core Curriculum 15-years:
Yogic Arts: Raja, Hatha, Ashtanga Vinyasa, and Integral Yoga.
Oriental Body Energetics.
Develops Suikido Flow Arts; a multipronged, multilayered flow methodology.
Residency, training, retreat: Japan, India, China.
Core Curriculum 10-years:
Shiatsu and Ashiatsu. Traditional Eastern acupressure therapy and deep-tissue bodywork.
Chavutti Thirumal/Kalari Marma Chikitsa. Ancient Ayurvedic whole-body treatment system that utilizes hands, feet, knees, and elbows as treatment tools.
Develops Suikido Body Treatment and Alignment Therapy. An integral treatment methodology that amalgamates oriental body healing arts, deep-tissue therapy and movement-as-medicine.
Core Curriculum 10-years:
Oriental Nutritional Science. Food Energetics. Nutritional Therapy. Food-as-Medicine.
Plant Based Whole Foods as a Foundation for Natural Vitality and Wellbeing.
Eastern Herbology. Eclectic Herbalism. Phyto Therapy.
Many years of professional practice, clinical experience and research in the field of Plant Based Whole Foods, Nutrition, Tonic Herbology and Plants-as-Medicine.
Develops the Nutritional and Herbal approach of Suikido.
Merging a lifetime of training and practice. Creates Suikido 水氣道 - a continuous ongoing unfoldment.