Why the name Suikido?

To honour the Eastern roots of our practice, we have chosen to give our movement and treatment methods the name SUIKIDO 水氣道

SUIKIDO 水氣道 also represents the crystallization of our many years of training and practice in the Eastern traditions of martial-yogic-arts and hands-on healing disciplines.

The literal translation of SUI—KI—DO is Water—Energy—Way.

What is the deeper meaning of Suikido 水氣道 ?

“A Path of Flowing Life Energy”.

  • 水 is the Japanese Kanji for WATER.

    水 SUI represents the qualities of fluidity, suppleness, formlessness, receptivity, adaptivity, flow and nourishment.

    The significance of water for life upon the Earth is evident. Water is part of any living organism as a vital substance to sustain life.

    Around 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. The human organism consists primarily of water. When we are born our body-water is like the waters of the Earth – we are 70-78% water. As we mature, we become 50-66% water, depended upon how our way-of-life is affecting and moulding our physicality.

    So, when the ancient wisdom traditions state that the human organism is a microcosmic expression of the larger macrocosmic body – the Earth – they are in every way right.

    This fact is not philosophy. It is but one demonstration of how the eastern wisdom traditions represent a true natural science. A profound and practical understanding of the natural world and our part in it.

    Adept martial artists, yogis and Taoist practitioners have long known, that keeping the body supple and flexible is of vital importance. The principle of “softness overcoming hardness”comes from their perception of the qualities of Water.

    “Water is the softest thing; yet it can lift up rocks, penetrate mountains and sink deep into the earth.”

    Humans are born soft and supple; when old we become stiff and hard. Plants are born tender and pliant; when dead, they are brittle and dry. The hard and dry brakes - The supple and pliant prevails. Hence, the soft and yielding is the upholder of life.

    As a fluid nourishing element, water can take any form and it is part of every lifegiving process. Water is the Lifeblood of the Earth. It flows to us from the natural world in the form of the liquids and foods that nurture us and sustain our lives.

    Inside our bodies it transforms and becomes part of our living tissues.

    Even in the tinniest of cell or molecule we find water. All the vital fluids of the body are different states of structured water flowing within the inner rivers, streams, lakes and caves of our body-landscape. In this way water permeate, connect and nurture us, from without to within.

    Understanding the nature of Water the adept practitioner can provide proficient treatment and guide exercises that will open blockages and will stimulate, invigorate and intensify the flow of the body-waters.

  • 氣 is the Japanese Kanji for LIFE ENERGY or LIFE FORCE

    氣 KI signifies spirit, action and the dynamics of energy-in-motion.

    KI ENERGY is the central underlying principle within Eastern movement and natural healing arts. In the Yogic/Vedic tradition KI is called PRANA. In the Taoist/Chinese martial and healing arts it is named QI/CHI.

    Taoists, yogis, martial artists and practitioners of natural healing arts assert that the body has natural patterns of KI/QI/PRANA that circulate in channels called meridians or Nadis. Illness and disease are seen to be the product of disrupted, blocked or unbalanced KI movement within the body. To enhance, harmonize and circulate KI a variety of techniques and disciplines are utilized including herbology, food therapy, manual body therapy, massage, acupuncture and movement practices such as yoga, qigong, tai chi and martial arts.

    In a metaphysical sense KI/QI/PRANA is an active principle forming part of any living being/thing/phenomena. KI is perceived as the essential energy of action and existence. The underlying Force that moves, activates and animates all living.

    The force of KI is linked to the flow of energy around and through the body, forming a cohesive and functioning unit. KI permeates and links everything together and is responsible for the integrity of any entity and for the changes that entity undergoes.

    The KI that is directly involved with a person’s life has 3 sources.

    Original Ki (Prenatal Qi - yuan-qi) 

    The life force transmitted from the parents and the foundation for a person’s inherent constitution.

    Food Ki (gu-qi) 

    The energy derived from intake of water and the digestion of food.

    Natural Air Ki (kong-qi)
    The energy extracted from the lungs from the air we breathe.

    By understanding the rhythm and flow of Qi advanced practitioners will guide exercises and treatments to provide stability, balance and harmony.

  • 道 is the Japanese Kanji for WAY or LIFE PATH and denotes a specialized skill, a focused path or a process.

    In traditional Japanese culture, a Dō is a spiritual, martial, curative or aesthetic discipline. It implies a pragmatic body of knowledge; a living practice that has the characteristics of: 

    Specialization– Senmonsei
    Exhibits an evident level of skill, expertise or mastery. 

    Transmissivity– Keishosei
    Can be conveyed, communicated and passed on to others.

    Standardofcorrectness Kihansei
    Bears an integrity and spirit of respect.

    Universality Kihensei
    Carries a universal/common value. Something that is beneficial for any individual, community or society in general.

    Authoritativeness – Ken’isei
    Demonstrates trustworthiness, authority and reliability/credibility.

    Dō originates from the Taoist notion of Tao or Dao. 

    Tao is a metaphysical concept signifying the primordial essence or fundamental nature of the universe.

    Tao can be thought of as the flow of the Universe; some essence or pattern behind the natural world that keeps the universe balanced and ordered. It is related to the idea of Ki/Qi, the essential energy of action and existence. Tao is a non-dual concept - it is the greater whole from which all the individual elements of the universe derive.

    Tao is an active and holistic perception of nature, rather than a static, atomistic one. Tao can be experienced and observed in the natural world, and is particularly seen as being similar to water. Like water, Tao is undifferentiated, endlessly self-replenishing, soft and quiet but immensely powerful and impassively generous. 

    A Dō is considered a way to harmonize oneself with nature.

    A practitioner of a Dō is a person that centres on the interconnected order and cyclical continuity of the natural world, in contrast to the linear goal-oriented doings of modern man. 

Chris Valles

Extracts from a lifetime of in-depth training and practice. 

Synopsis of Past-Present-Ongoing Experience.

    • Martial Karate training under tutelage of Grandmasters J. Bura from Denmark and M. Tanaka from Japan.

    • Amongst a select few Karate practitioners in Denmark that has completed the Japan Karate Association’s Kenshusei karate specialist instructor training program with honours.

    • Earned the rank of Sandan 3rd degree black belt by M. Tanaka as one of the youngest Karate practitioners ever to achieve this expert level.

    • Competes worldwide as an Elite Martial Athlete and Karate Fighter on the National Danish Karate Team.

    • Long-term temple-stays and authentic martial monk training.

    • Merged Martial Artist and practitioner of diverse fighting styles.

    • Four decades of unbroken practice and study.

    • Develops Suikido Martial Movement Arts. A multidisciplinary non-style specific syncretic Martial approach that fuses authentic Japanese Bujutsu 武術 fighting arts and universal Martial movement principles.

    • Teacher of Physical Education (PE). Copenhagen, Denmark.

    • Ballet Rambert School, Brunel University, England.

    • École-Atelier Rudra Béjart, Lausanne, Switzerland.

    • Rudra Béjart Company & Béjart Ballet Lausanne, Switzerland.

    • International professional freelance dancer.

    • Granted several performing artist scholarships.

    • Award winning dance artist. The prestigious Danish award “The Reumert” for Dance Performance of the Year.

    • Integrates quintessential qualities from Dance into Suikido.

    • Practice, Retreat, Residency: Japan, India, China, Europe.

    • Core Curriculum 15-years:

    • Yogic Arts: Raja, Hatha, Ashtanga Vinyasa, and Integral Yoga.

    • Oriental Body Energetics.

    • Develops Suikido Flow Arts; a multipronged, multilayered flow methodology.

    • Residency, training, retreat: Japan, India, China.

    • Core Curriculum 10-years:

    • Shiatsu and Ashiatsu. Traditional Eastern acupressure therapy and deep-tissue bodywork.

    • Chavutti Thirumal/Kalari Marma Chikitsa. Ancient Ayurvedic whole-body treatment system that utilizes hands, feet, knees, and elbows as treatment tools.

    • Develops Suikido Body Treatment and Alignment Therapy. An integral treatment methodology that amalgamates oriental body healing arts, deep-tissue therapy and movement-as-medicine.

    • Core Curriculum 10-years:

    • Oriental Nutritional Science. Food Energetics. Nutritional Therapy. Food-as-Medicine.

    • Plant Based Whole Foods as a Foundation for Natural Vitality and Wellbeing.

    • Eastern Herbology. Eclectic Herbalism. Phyto Therapy.

    • Many years of professional practice, clinical experience and research in the field of Plant Based Whole Foods, Nutrition, Tonic Herbology and Plants-as-Medicine.

    • Develops the Nutritional and Herbal approach of Suikido.

  • Merging a lifetime of training and practice. Creates Suikido 水氣道 - a continuous ongoing unfoldment.

Anette Munch

The essence of significant training, study, practice and experience. 

    • University of Southern Denmark.

    • Specialization in communication, mediation, group dynamics, expressive movement, elite and amateur gymnastics

    • Two decades as an elite gymnast and instructor in vaulting gymnastics (Team Gym) and rhythmic gymnastics.

    • Leading teacher of the rhythmic dance line at Ollerup Sports College, including long-time leader of Ollerup's Rhythmic Dance Elite Team.

    • Licensed Physiotherapist since 1994.

    • Three decades of professional physiotherapy practice and experience in private clinics, in the public health sector and as an independent practicing physiotherapist at FysioDanmark Gildhøj Physiotherapy and Suikido Physiotherapy.

    • Extensive experience with physiotherapeutic training, rehabilitation and treatment of all age groups, target groups and types of physical problems.

    • Teacher and mentor at the physiotherapy education in Odense and Næstved.

    • Specialties: Holistic treatment approach; tissue therapeutic treatment technique; movement analysis and biomechanical evaluation; injury prevention and rehabilitation; integrative training and treatment of athletes; athletic performance optimization.

    • Independent practicing physiotherapist and holistic therapist at Suikido and at FysioForm Bornholm.

    • Certified Craniosacral Therapist since 2005.

    • Years of professional practice as a Craniosacral Therapist.

    • Special expertise and experience in treating whiplash, head trauma, headaches, migraines, jaw tension, tinnitus, mind wandering, sleep problems, neurological imbalances and stress related issues.

    • Master-Student apprenticeship in Macrobiotic Food Therapy, Taoist Yin-Yang Dietary Science, 5-Elements and Nine Star Ki.

    • Years of hands-on testing the most “popular” plant-based dietary principles such as; Live Sprouted Food, Raw Food, Super-foods, Fruitarianism (80-10-10), Juicing (Liquidarian), Low-Carb High-Fat, High-Carb Low-Fat.

    • Teaches whole-food plant-based cooking and is a frontrunner in bringing pure, unprocessed foods back into the kitchen.

    • Develops a nourishing, stabilizing, nutritious, practical and economical everyday diet consisting of whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, vegetables, sea vegetables and fruit. A plant-based diet that is tailored to the season, climate, lifestyle, and individual body constitution. The art of preparing meals based on dietary energetic principles: pressure cooking, steaming, blanching, baking, roasting, raw food, sprouting, fermenting, blending, juicing.

    • The use and integration of herbs and spices to enhance the taste, aroma, and enjoyment of meals; to increase nutritional content; to improve absorption, digestion, and excretion; and to promote subtle natural medicinal properties.

    • Completed +15-year master-student apprenticeship training under the direct guidance of Chris Valles.

    • Curriculum: Suikido’s fourfold movement science; Suikido bodywork and rebalancing therapy; Yin-Yang nutritional science and herbal nutrition; Detox protocols and ceremonial cleansing, including 10 years of practice conducting traditional Native American sweat lodge ceremonies and vision quests.

    • Authorized in the following Suikido disciplines: Fluid, Natural & Therapeutic Flow Movement; Suikido Bodywork Therapy; Yin-Yang Dietary Energetics and Nutritional Therapy.

    • Co-developer and practitioner of Suikido.

  • Regin Jensen · CEO & Founder of · Body SDS Therapist

    Suikido is wisdom and life experience combined into a holistic whole. Here, as a student and client, you get access to resources that are far ahead of the times we live in. Tools and approaches to body, mind and spirit, which perhaps will only be widespread in a significantly larger part of the world in 10 years or more .

    Suikido is something completely unique, which over time will simply establish itself even more as what it is - universal tools to get closer to the core of ourselves and the connection to everything. Both Chris and Anette are really loving and present people, and my training and treatments with Chris have given me new insight into myself and the life around me.

    With the warmest recommendations.

  • Heidi Bremer · Body Treatment Therapist · Owner of “Body Psyche Balance”

    After each treatment with Chris, you leave with a stronger body, a relaxed mind and a soul that has received a caring hug. After only two treatments, Chris managed to fix my broken lower back and painful shoulder, which other therapists have been unable to deal with for years.

    He is one-of-a-kind!

  • Mikkel Visby · SKIF Black Belt · Massage Therapist

    What I learned from Chris' teaching was, among other things, adamant martial karate and dynamic yoga with holistic understanding and life-wise considerations about today's life and ways of socializing. The teaching is in a class of its own and the level of detail in the technical execution is second-to-none. You get something unique out of every single lesson with Chris.

    I strongly recommend Suikido Martial Arts to anyone who wants to develop personally and get out of their comfort zone.

  • Maria Bjørn · Holistic Therapist · Owner of “Balance Clinic”

    Chris and Anette, such great individuals with so much knowledge and heart. Rarely if ever have I met such dedicated people. Suikido nutrition, treatment and training is a profoundly intelligent, unique and comprehensive "system".

    Suikido has turned my world upside down several times, but has given my body, my mind, and my whole life a much better balance than it ever had before.

  • Torben Lundgaard · BJJ Black Belt · Owner of ”Favela Gym”

    I have had the pleasure of participating in Suikido. The workshops were based on exploring the natural flow and alignment of the body through different movements, stretches and sequences.

    Chris is inspiring, skilled and creates a fantastic energy. As a long-time BJJ practitioner, I can only recommend his training/seminars/workshops for anyone who wants a supple and injury-free body, also after the age of 30.

  • Tina Marie · JKA Black Belt · Holistic Esthetician · Yoga Teacher · Realtor

    Participating in Suikido Spring Retreat was a very healing experience. Chris & Anette are sincere and true masters of what they do. I felt at home and in the most caring hands as I was guided through a week-long journey of Suikido movement, aromatherapy sauna sessions, herbal consultation, Suikido body balancing and the powerful, authentic sweat lodge ceremony on the full moon day.

    Everything is connected and further supported by the daily plant-based meals, prepared with fresh organic ingredients of the highest quality. I travelled all the way from the US; but I travelled even further within, inspired by all their knowledge. When I returned home, I felt healthy, balanced in my menopause and ready to make some conscious changes in my life.

    I look forward to returning and learning more!

  • Mehrdad Goodarzi · World Champion SKIF Karate · Founder of Stickdo Mind Body System · Physio Therapist

    World-class professionalism, world-class teacher, and therapist.

    Suikido is a delicate form of energy and Chris practice it with the utmost care and respect.

    It is a space in which you feel safe and healed.

  • Marc Onuoha · Expert Martial Artist · Dentist · Owner of Smile by Marc

    Suikido cannot be explained, it must be experienced!

    Suikido is a unique system of flow, balance, strength, and grace in one. Suikido is Chris and Chris is Suikido. A master who expresses his own style in physics, thought and mind.

    30 years of hardcore strength training and martial arts leaves its mark, and the last 5 years have been marked by many injuries, especially in my joints and tendon attachments. In my search for a healthier form of training as well as treatment for my many injuries, I found Suikido. Chris was very quick to read my body and find out where I am locked, sore and limited in my movement. The bespoke course with Chris was a combination of his unique in-depth connective tissue massage, assisted stretching exercises and individually tailored movement sequences, all of which focused on my "weak" points. Very educational and good for my worn and tired body. The tailored flow series/sequences still help to keep my body in balance.

    I recommend Suikido to all people, tall, short, trained, untrained, beginner, elite - everyone will benefit from the system.